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Priscilla Nichole Halfyard-Sebok
Priscilla was a very unique, beautiful, talented young woman. On March 22, 2014, Priscilla was in a serious car accident that killed her 6 year old adopted brother Spenser William McFadyen (May 30, 2007 - March 22, 2014). When Priscilla was taken to the hospital with her broken arm and smashed foot, they discovered a shadow on her lung and she was booked for a follow up. On May 2, 2014, Priscilla was diagnosed with Synovial Sarcoma, one of the rarest forms of soft tissue cancer in the world that fiercely targets adolescents and young adults.  For Priscilla, this was an incurable disease. 
On April 13, 2015, Priscilla was admitted to Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto for a Splenic Embolism. At this time her doctors decided that giving Priscilla any more treatment would be cruel. The Palliative care team met with Priscilla and her family and encouraged Priscilla to make a bucket list. Some key Bucket list items included: A trip to Vegas; to marry the love of her life, Nick; to spend two nights in Niagara Falls; and to have a Living Funeral.
The Living Funeral took place on April 25, 2015. We changed the name to "Healing and Humour Hour" to ease the fear in her family about such an event. However difficult the thought of this was, to put this into action was absolutely incredible. We all learned a lot about "Fearless Priscilla" and how she had made a difference in the lives of people of all ages. Click on the "Living Funeral" link to see more details about this exceptional event. 
Priscilla, along with her Fiance, Nick, her sister, Mom and several friends booked a trip to Vegas for the beginning of May. Unfortunately, by the departure date, Priscilla was unable to travel and she did not get to see the lights in Vegas, nor the Jeff Dunham show. However, Priscilla's mother, sister and a few friends took the trip, they met Jeff Dunham who sent back a bag of autographed goodies for Priscilla.
Priscilla did travel to Niagara Falls for two nights in a two bedroom suite with a panoramic view of the Falls. At 11pm on the second night, Priscilla, along with her Dad, dragged her fearful fiance and scared step Mom on the large SkyWheel. This turned out to be some very precious moments for our family.
On Friday, May 8, Nick and Priscilla decided that on Sunday, May 10, 2015 they would fulfill their dream of getting married. And what an incredible day it was. Click on the "Nick and Priscilla's Wedding" link above and watch an absolutely inspiring 5 minute video depicting absolutely true, unconditional love.
Along with Priscilla's tenacious attitude towards life and death, she was very creative. She loved to scrap book, take photographs, write poetry and stories, as well as sewing and quilting. Check out the link above entitled "The Quilt" to see more about this life-long legacy T-Shirt Quilt that Priscilla has passed on to her sister.  She liked to be able to tell her story and her T-Shirt Quilt tells a story of Priscilla's life through what she wore and the work she put into the quilt. Priscilla also liked to share about her faith. She was interviewed on The Drew Marshall Show on May 2, 2015 and was excited to share her story with the world before she died.
Other than her love for her parents and extended families, Priscilla had three very important people in her life; her sister whom she shared an unbreakable bond of care and protection with; her little adopted brother Spenser and, of course, her husband Nick! They had such an unconditional, caring, loving bond for each other "in sickness and in health"! Nick is an amazing new addition the family. 

"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor".  Luke 4:18

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