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The Gift of Our Presence

The Gift of Our Presence I'm sitting at the bedside of my 23 yr old niece, Priscilla Nicole Halfyard, soon to be Mrs Nick Sebok. It is a relief and blessing to be here, in her presence. Today, Tues May 5, 2015 she is celebrating her birthday... It's not how most 23 yr olds would typically celebrate their birthdays, laying in your grandmas bed: sleeping most of the day away. But this is how she will spend most of her day. Why? Because she is terminally ill. She is weak and frail yet she is strong and calm. She has an uncanny sweetness and joy that eludes her. She takes in everything going on around her and participates in the activity and conversations without saying much. She is the centre of attention but does not command it. She simply basks in the JOY and LOVE of family. You see we are in her presence. We are part of her life and heart. She is loved dearly my many of us. And she gives her love back by simply wanting us in her presence. We don't have to say much, we don't have to say anything, we just need to be here. She just wants us to be here. She values family so much. She loves each one in a unique way and shows us. In turn, we love her, each one of us in a unique way. And we reciprocate that love back to her, each in our own unique way, as we are in her presence. And it is our love, that in the coming days will reluctantly yet graciously release her to finally be in the presence of the heavenly Father. Letting go will not be easy, Letting go will bring us great pain and sorrow. Letting go will prevent us from being in her presence and she in ours here on this earth We don't really know when that will be: a few more days? Another week? We pray and long for days and weeks and months and years... We long to see her united in marriage to the young man of her dreams: the kind and witty and loving man she deserves Mr Nick Sebok. We long to hear them share the news that they are expecting a child. We long to have her present at other family functions; birthdays, Christmas, BBQ's, Easter, bridal showers and baby showers. And most of all those random drop in visits at Grandma and Poppy's for cottage roll or mac 'n cheese. We long for her weak and frail tumor invaded body to be restored to health and strength. But as I sit here in the presence of my failing young niece I am touched by the presence of a gracious Heavenly Father, Jesus his Son and the Holy Spirit. I cannot explain the overwhelming presence of the joyful peace that is here in this room at this moment. It is calm and quiet But. in the background is the clamor of many conversations. Occasional outbursts of laugher. Familiar voices that come and go. Priscilla knows these voices, as each come through the door, exclaiming hi's and hello's. She's heard many of these voices since the day of her birth. Aunts and uncles, cousins and neighbors, dear friends. We are her family and we've come to see her. Come today to bring her Birthday greetings and presents, We are here to show our love and support. We have come to bring her what she quietly treasures most, The gift of our presence. Loretta Anne Arkell

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