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Peace and Quiet

Thank You to Priscilla's Aunt Phylis Halfyard for sharing this blogpost and what she has learned from the loss of Priscilla.

What is peace and quiet? Two simple words that could mean so much.

To me, peace and quiet is something I can’t quite relate to these days. Once you have children, this is not part of your day…most days.

Today was a day that the approximate $50 a month I pay for cable babysat my youngest and I don’t have one ounce of guilt. Today I needed peace and quiet.

Waking up with a headache, sore throat, achy ears, I knew my day was going to be eventful..(enter sarcasm here).

The house is what I consider a disaster with heaping laundry that keeps adding up, dishes in the sink that only dawn can clean and unmade beds among other things.

But today is different. Today I realize that I am blessed to have these days. The sound of happy, crying, laughing and screaming (not necessarily in that order) coming from my two beautiful girls. Precious memories I can..NEED to hold onto because in a split second they can be gone.

Some people will not have the opportunity to laugh with their kids or cry with them, or say I love you. These opportunities were not meant to last. They have to wait until the time that GOD reunites them.

So today I embrace the craziness. The screaming. The laughing. The days without peace and quiet for tomorrow may never come.

Take one minute and just breath. Remind yourself of the blessings life has despite setbacks. Hug your kids, your spouse. Tell them you love them, not because you have to but because you choose to and because you can.

Until we meet again beautiful!

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