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"We knew she was at Peace, but now she is at Rest". ~ Dad

Children, and little sisters, are supposed to live beyond our time. We are here when they come into the world but we do not plan to be here when they leave.

They are our legacy—they are not supposed to be our memories!

When we lose a daughter, stepdaughter, sister, wife, granddaughter, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, niece, cousin, friend, no matter the age, we all grieve the loss of what will never be. We now have a grave site to visit - A place to grieve, a place to reflect on the times we shared with Priscilla. Our memories are even more special and sacred because these are the last of Priscilla’s imprints on our world. We know she is not in the ground, but rather, she is in Heaven watching over us. Her grave site is symbol of her footprint on this earth.

It takes a village to raise a child—it also takes a village to mourn one. We will never overcome the death of Priscilla, we just have to learn how to live in different ways. We have to learn to live in the world without Priscilla.

Priscilla Nichole Halfyard-Sebok May 5, 1992 - May 12, 2015

Beloved wife of Nickholas Sebok

"The Spirit of the Lord is on Me" Luke 4:18

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