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Live video from Priscilla's

Healing and Humour Hour

- April 25, 2015

Remembering Fearless Priscilla. Three years ago we celebrated Priscilla at her Healing and Humour Hour (Living Funeral). One of the moments she shared was a slide show reflecting on her life. Watch below...
Thank You John Reale for your
Healing and Humour!

Healing and Humour Hour - April 25, 2015

Priscilla was so courageous and creative. On her bucket list she wrote that she wanted to attend her own funeral, a living funeral! To make this dream come true and to soften the idea for her family and friends, we renamed the Living Funeral to a "Healing and Humour Hour". The event was held at Broadway Pentecostal Church on Saturday, April 25, 2015. Nobody knew what to expect, so we let God take control and allow things to unfold ~ And WOW what an amazing night! Thank you Priscilla for being so brave and for hosting such an inspirational evening. The Master of Ceremonies (MC) was Priscilla's uncle, Mr. Glenn Halfyard. He entertained the crowd of over 100 people through his wardrobe changes, comedy and sincere love for Priscilla.  Priscilla's Grandpa Ken Carter from Riverside Pentecostal Church in Waldemar preached and led Priscilla's parents and sister in anointing her with healing oil. Grandpa Ken shared personal stories of Priscilla's faith in God and her fearlessness to die.  Several friends and family shared stories about Priscilla and her faith and her constant quest for hugs. Check out some photos from the event with a big thank you to "Gerald" for taking the photos during the event. Also a special thank you to Priscilla's Step-Mother, Bridget Halfyard ( for all her work organizing this event, including the slide show, speakers, invitations, location, media, and so much more. 

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